
” If you were starting completely fresh, in a world where anything is possible. What would YOU love to be doing?”


Heartwork Mental Health Services has been specifically designed to assist you in removing the mental and physical health blocks delaying your journey to optimal health and wellbeing.

At Heartwork MHS, we offer in-person and online Counselling, NDIS Support, and Personal Training, that includes a variety of therapeutic methods. Our service is individualised to the client’s needs and can involve a wide range of emotional, mental, and physical therapies that are designed to assist the person in achieving optimal results from their time with us.

Exercise is the single most powerful tool you have to optimize your brain function… exercise has a profound impact on cognitive abilities and mental health. It is simply one of the best treatments we have for the most psychiatric problems.

John J Ratey M.D

Clients LOVE Heartwork MHS

Joel is a very genuine and caring person who is dedicated to helping his clients achieve their goals. He understands my concerns in regards to aggravating an existing injury and has been able to adapt our sessions to ensure I have been working on all areas of my body without causing additional stress on this area. Kelly.

Joel has created a platform where 2 very important aspects meet , physical & mental health. I strongly believe that engaging in physical fitness and having the tools to address mental aspects is when true self flourishing happens. And, has the potential to set up a more positive mindset and behaviours. I highly recommend giving Joel a go. Lisa.

Since starting Active Counselling, I have noticed a positive change in my mindset, in the choices I’m making and in my daily well being. Active Counselling has helped me to improve some of the anxiety, self worth and self image issues. Joel has supported,  encouraged and challenged me to do things that I never would have previously. Lyn.