To Pay it Forward or … Ah, Fuck It!

Most of us have succumb to the pull of social media in some way, shape or form. We may refer to it as following “the news”, staying up to date or connected with friends and family or looking for opportunities for personal or professional growth — Linked in followers, that’s you.

Irrespective of the platform that preoccupies your time, it is likely you have fallen foul to the barrage of “motivational” posts, memes, blogs, influencer diatribes intended to give us a pinch of positivity for the day. One that found its way across my Instagram page [@activecounsellingbyheartwork #followme #blog] recently, was a “motivational” post about #payingitforward.

I found this particular pinch of positivity interesting as it appeared to be in perfect alignment with an experience I had with a client earlier that day — which, to keep it short and sweet, included the common tale of a person helping others but, in their opinion, received nothing in return. #whatisthef#@!ingpoint

This brought me to the question we have all more than likely asked ourselves at some point — Why am I here? Could the do-gooders, positive princesses, gurus and buddha bandits be right? Is our collective and individual purpose simply to serve each other? To help our neighbour out?

Did anyone else hear angels sing …

In my experience, I believe that yes this is our purpose — because if we think about where we find the most value in our lives or our experience of living, is it not in moments shared with others or witnessing acts of giving to those in need of receiving — human to human? With this in mind and reflecting back on the conversation with my client, expecting to be immediately and directly acknowledged and reciprocated for your efforts, is actually not compatible with paying it forward — otherwise it could possibly be called #payingitforwardandback or #payingitforwardandgettingitback — it’s a completely different concept.

Paying it forward is fundamental to the progressive existence of humankind — it is literally a positive PUSH forward. Some believe this is what will ultimately bring about world peace and the type of utopia showcased in paintings of the hanging gardens of Babylon — I believe this also.

Now, for those still pondering what’s in it for me? Here are some scientific facts that should give you the push you need to pay it forward.

How does paying it forward benefit your mental health?

Ana Snyder M.S. in Exercise Physiology writes, Paying it forward can …

  1. Boost Dopamine. 
  2. Give life meaning
  3. Teach gratitude. 
  4. Be Good for your health. 
  5. Increase your lifespan. 

BUT WAIT there’s more!

Here is my personal experience of a regular paying it forward practice.

I believe in paying it forward, in fact I do it daily with NO intention of reciprocation or return. I do it because I can and I wish to make the world a better place, or at least, the area I am in at that specific moment. Whether it is buying someone on the street food, clothes or personal items, building a relationship with the local pharmacist so the homeless can obtain their meds in safety without getting mugged, letting someone with less items jump the queue at the store or even simply smiling at someone when they make eye contact — although, on occasion this tends to disturb folk not provide comfort (aka. I need to work on my smiling 😊) Either way, it doesn’t do any harm. And as I go about my day pushing positivity and paying it forward, the flow comes right back around.

With this in mind, I currently found myself on the receiving end of someone else paying it forward and here is a short sharp moment to pay it back [or forward — this positive push shit is getting confusing]. If you need a Chiropractor in the Corrimal area, Dr Carsen Taanberg of Corrimal Family Chiropractic is your hu-man. You can thank or not thank me later.

Needing more positivity in your life? — reach out and say hello! There is a big chance we can help you with that.


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